$B:G=*99?7F|;~!'(B2008-01-17 22:07:43
$B | $B9V1iBjL\!?H/I=$B%-!<%o!<%I(B | $B | $B?=9~(B | $BJ}K!(B | |
1 | $BC_G.HyN3;R%9%i%j!<$N%-%c%T%i%j! | 2-a | latent heat phase change heat transfer | 11/5 15:04:47 | WWW |
2 | $B%U%CAG2=%]%j%$%_%I$rMQ$$$?%$%s%?!<%j!<%P!<$NJP8wL50MB82=(B | 12-j | Fluorinated Polyimide Interleaver Polarization-independence | 11/5 19:09:55 | WWW |
3 | $B3J;R%\%k%D%^%sK!$K$h$k(BPEFC$B:GE,3H;6AX$N8!F$(B ($B6eBg9)!&F|K\3X=Q?66=2qFCJL8&5f0w(BDC) $B!{(B($B3X(B)$B5H85(B $B5.;V!&(B | 9-e | PEFC Gas Diffusion Layer Lattice Boltzmann Method | 11/6 16:05:13 | WWW |
4 | $B%8%k%3%K%";Y;}BN$rMQ$$$?%Q%i%8%&%`?eAGJ,N%Kl$N3+H/!!$=$N(B2 | 4-a | Palladium Membrane Hydrogen | 11/6 17:24:23 | WWW |
5 | $B?75,%=%U%H%;%s%5!< | 6-a | soft sensor independent component analysis process control | 11/6 22:30:36 | WWW |
6 | $B4AJ}@8LtCf$NbgAG$N=|5n(B | 13-c | adsorptive removal arsenic orange waste | 11/7 11:39:56 | WWW |
7 | $BN3;RFb3H;678?t$H6-KlJ* | 4-e | Adsorption uptake curve surface diffusivity liquid film mass transfer coefficient | 11/8 10:41:31 | WWW |
8 | $B;@2=%+%k%7%&%`?(G^$rMQ$$$?%P%$%*%G%#!<%<%kG3NA@8@.$NH?1~5!9=(B | 5-a | $B;@2=%+%k%7%&%`(B $B8GBN1v4p?(G^(B $B%P%$%*%G%#!<%<%kG3NA(B | 11/8 16:41:22 | WWW |
9 | $B?e$NFC@-$rMxMQ$7$?O"B3M-5!9g@.(B | 8-d | organic synthesis subcritical water peculiarity | 11/9 11:36:41 | WWW |
10 | Surface Area Measurement Using a Quartz Crystal Resonator | 4-e | Quartz crystal resonator Adsorption surface area Mesoporous adsorbent | 11/12 08:15:00 | WWW |
11 | $B%a%G%#%(!<%?!<=$>~EE6K$r;HMQ$7$?Hy@8J*EECS$K$*$1$kH/EE@-G=(B | 9-e | microbial fuel cells modified electrode biomass | 11/12 16:30:59 | WWW |
12 | $BFs=E4I7?%^%$%/%m%j%"%/%?!<$K$h$k%8%k%3%K%"N3;R$N:n@=$HN3;R7B@)8f(B | 5-f | zirconia nanoparticle cocentric reactor | 11/12 18:01:33 | WWW |
13 | $B>xN1K!$K$h$j%U%CAG4^M-;@$N%j%5%$%/%k$K4X$9$k8&5f(B(3) | 13-e | Fluoric acid Distillation Recycle of fluorine | 11/12 20:27:04 | WWW |
14 | $B>xN1K!$K$h$k%U%CAG4^M-GQ;@$N%j%5%$%/%k$K4X$9$k8&5f(B(4) | 13-e | Fluoric acid Distillation Recycle of fluorine | 11/12 20:51:57 | WWW |
15 | $B%^%$%/%m6u4V$rMxMQ$7$?J?9TN.!&%9%i%0N.!&%(%^%k%7%g%s$K$h$k?WB.1U1UCj=PA`:n$NHf3S(B | 5-f | Extraction Slug flow Emulsion | 11/13 11:47:48 | WWW |
16 | $BGQ%,%i%9H/K"BN$r4p:`$H$9$k1v4p@-$rM^@)$7$?B?9&F7kBN(B | 13-e | glass clay alkali | 11/13 16:02:52 | WWW |
17 | $B%;%k%m!<%9G[9g$K$h$k%3%s%]%9%H2=2aDx$G$N%"%s%b%K%"=-Dc8:8z2L(B | 13-e | Compost Cellulose Actinomycetes | 11/13 16:16:59 | WWW |
18 | $B9-=I | 7-g | phage E. coli GFP | 11/14 09:36:36 | WWW |
19 | $BD6NW3&Fs;@2=C:AGCf$G$NJ,;6=E9g$K$h$kB?LLBN7?HyN3;R$N9g@.(B | 8-d | Supercritical carbon dioxide Dispersion polymerization Micropolyhedrons | 11/14 11:08:38 | WWW |
20 | VOC$BJ,2r$K$*$h$\$9Dc29%W%i%:%^$H%*%>%sJ,2r?(G^$NAj>h8z2L(B | 5-c | Silent discharge reactor Surface discharge reactor MnO$2 | 11/14 15:19:44 | WWW |
21 | $BB?@.J,7OFbItG.8r497?>xN1%W%m%;%9$N%7%_%e%l!<%7%g%s(B | 4-c | heat-integration simulation dynamics | 11/14 16:15:23 | WWW |
22 | $BIB866]M^@)6]$r9bG;EY$K4^$`5!G=@-%3%s%]%9%H$rMQ$$$??"J*IB32$NKI=|(B | 13-e | Compost plant disease microorganism | 11/14 18:29:26 | WWW |
23 | $BI9>=%F%s%W%l!<%HK!$rMQ$$$F:n@=$7$?%^%$%/%m%O%K%+%`>u%+!<%\%s$N:Y9&FC@-8~>e(B | 12-i | Ice templating Carbon microhoneycomb Activation | 11/14 18:31:38 | WWW |
24 | $B%$%*%s8r49 | 5-a | $B%P%$%*%^%9(B $BH?1~>l$N8z2L(B $B8GBN;@?(G^(B | 11/14 20:06:34 | WWW |
25 | AgI/SiO2$BJ#9gN3;R%3%m%$%I$ND4@=K!$N3+H/(B | 12-c | AgI silica-coating particle | 11/15 09:10:52 | WWW |
26 | $BFbJqM-5! | 12-i | Siloxane bonding network Immobilized organic additive Expanded siloxane bonding | 11/15 12:46:37 | WWW |
27 | $B;@2=%A%?%s8w?(G^N.F0AX$K$*$1$kC&>KFC@-(B | 2-c | Fluidized bed Denitration Photo catalyst | 11/15 15:20:09 | WWW |
28 | $BItJ,%U%'%K%k2=%,%i%9$N;@2=J,2r$K$h$k%^%$%/%m9&H/@8(B | 12-i | partially phenylated glass oxidative etching micropore formation | 11/15 15:29:42 | WWW |
29 | $B@"F0;~$NJ4N3BNGvAX$N1?F0MM<0$N8&5f(B | 12-k | sheared powder layer mode of motion distinctive oscillatory signal | 11/15 15:43:38 | WWW |
30 | $BD9 | 5-a | gold catalyst CO oxidation steam reforming | 11/15 15:50:18 | WWW |
31 | $B%W%m%;%9FC@-JQ2=$KCeL\$7$?Aj4X7?(BJust-In-Time$B%b%G%j%s%0$K$h$k%=%U%H%;%s%5@_7W(B | 6-d | soft-sensor Just-In-Time modeling estimation | 11/15 16:47:54 | WWW |
32 | $B | 3-b | coal-combustion radiation simulation | 11/16 12:21:59 | WWW |
33 | $B%5%9%F%$%J%S%j%F%#!&%5%$%(%s%9$NCN<1$N9=B$2=$N$?$a$N3X=QPmbW(B | 13-f | sustainability sustainable development information science | 11/16 12:32:22 | WWW |
34 | $B%5%9%F%$%J%S%j%F%#!&%5%$%(%s%9$K$*$1$kCN<19=B$(B | 13-f | sustainability structuring knowledge ontology | 11/16 12:38:04 | WWW |
35 | $BIM>>CO0h$K$*$1$k;:6H%M%C%H%o!<%/9=B$(B | 14-a | industrial structure regional cluster network | 11/16 12:49:07 | WWW |
36 | $BI=LL=$>~7?<'@-%J%NN3;R$rMQ$$$?:YK&$N%Q%?!<%K%s%0(B | 7-e | tissue engineering magnetite cell patterning | 11/16 13:54:45 | WWW |
37 | $BL}?e@\?(@~$NCa=x1?F0$N%b%G%k2=(B | 12-a | oil/water interface nonlinear oscillation autonomous motion | 11/16 14:28:35 | WWW |
38 | $B%F%$%i!<12N.$K$*$1$kDcL)EYN3;R$NJ,5i5sF0(B | 2-a | Taylor Vortex Fow Solid-Liquid Flow Particle Classification | 11/16 15:34:43 | WWW |
39 | $B8w3X%;%s%5!<$rMQ$$$?3IYBAe$NHs@\?(:.9gB,Dj(B | 2-a | Optical Sensor Mixing Stirred Tank | 11/16 15:52:26 | WWW |
40 | $B%i%2!<%k%U%#%k%?$rMQ$$$?F1Dj$K$*$1$kF~NO?.9f$N@_7W(B | 6-d | process control plant identification input design | 11/16 16:01:16 | WWW |
41 | $B%h%&AGMO1UC&?' | 5-b | ultrasound decolorized experiment chemical reaction rate | 11/16 16:08:59 | WWW |
42 | E-$B%+%I%X%j%s0dEA;RF3F~@~0]2j:YK&$H4N | 7-e | co-culture E-cadherin hepatocyte | 11/16 17:10:16 | WWW |
43 | $BAH49$(9ZAG$rMQ$$$?G[NsFC0[E*0dEA;RA}I}5;=Q$N3+H/(B | 7-d | gene amplification site-specific recombination gene delivery | 11/16 17:22:45 | WWW |
44 | $B%(%s%Y%m!<%W$N2~JQ$K$h$k93BN0MB8E*%&%$%k%9%Y%/%?!<$rMQ$$$?0dEA;RF3F~(B | 7-d | retroviral vector envelop target infection | 11/16 17:42:17 | WWW |
45 | Ti$B%i%$%K%s%0H?1~4I$rMQ$$$?0!NW3&!&D6NW3&?eCf$K$*$1$k%J%U%?%j%s$N%K%H%m2=(B ($B;:Am8&%3%s%Q%/%H2=3X%W%m%;%98&5f%;%s%?!<(B) $B!{(B($B@5(B)$BH*ED(B $B@6N4!&(B | 8-d | nitratio supercritical water nitronaphthalene | 11/17 11:31:34 | WWW |
46 | $B%U%m%C%/$N05L)D@9_$K$*$1$k1tD>N.O)7A@.$HD@9_B%?J(B | 4-b | sedimentation vertical channel bubbling | 11/18 15:04:50 | WWW |
47 | $B%+%k%7%&%`?e;@%"%Q%?%$%HGvKl$K$h$k=E6bB0$N2s<}(B-$BMO=PFC@-(B | 5-i | Calcium hydroxyapatite Aqueous heavy metals Removal-regeneration | 11/19 10:11:47 | WWW |
48 | $B<'NO$rMQ$$$?4J0W%P%$%*%;%s%5!<$N3+H/(B | 7-f | biosensor bioluminescence immobilization | 11/19 10:40:14 | WWW |
49 | SBMBfR$B$K$h$k@8J*3XE*CbAG!&%j%s=|5n5;=Q$N3+H/$HDc(BC/N$BHfGS?e$X$NE,MQ@-I>2A(B | 13-b | membrane simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal DNPAOs | 11/19 11:41:32 | WWW |
50 | $BMO:^2s<}7O>xN1%W%i%s%H$X$N(B Compressor-free HIDiC $B%7%9%F%`$NE,MQ@-2r@O(B | 4-c | Solvent wastes Energy saving Multi-component Distillation | 11/19 13:21:55 | WWW |