Japanese page

SCEJ 83rd Annual Meeting (Osaka, 2018)

List of received applications (By topics code)

14) Wide area

14-e. Others

Most recent update: 2018-09-07 21:29:01

The keywords that frequently used
in this topics code.
Surface morphology1
Long term durability1
Temporary storage site1
CO2 reduction1
Copper electrode1
Flexible intermediate bulk containers1

7Research about durability of materials used for long-term storage of removed soil at temporary storage site in Fukushima Prefecture
(FPCEC) *(Reg)Takahashi Yusuke, Sawai Hikaru, (FTC Fukushima) Itou Tetsuji, Nagasawa Hiroshi
Temporary storage site
Flexible intermediate bulk containers
Long term durability
588Investigation of the surface morphology on copper electrodes for the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
(Fukuoka U.) Saito Hiroki, *(Reg)Yoshihara Naoki, (Reg)Noda Masaru
CO2 reduction
Copper electrode
Surface morphology

List of received applications (By topics code)

List of received applications
SCEJ 83rd Annual Meeting (Osaka, 2018)

(C) 2018 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan. . All rights reserved.
Most recent update: 2018-09-07 21:29:01
For more information contact Organizing Committee, SCEJ 83rd Annual Meeting (Osaka, 2018)
E-mail: inquiry-83awww3.scej.org
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